Friday, June 21, 2024

Week 3 Posting - Migration to the Cloud


            Data transfer is the procedure of migrating data from location A to location B. In the case for cloud computing, it’s the motion of moving data to and from a storage environment. This week, we learned about cloud migration and its functionalities. One terminology I want to bring up is the methodologies of transferring data and the different types of data transfer: public internet, private connection, and offline transfer.

Public internet enables minimal and slow data migrations. Private connections low latency, high availability and increased bandwidth since the user is not competing for connections. One drawback I learned is a private connection often requires a long-term dedicated contract with a specific ISP. Lastly, offline transfer is transferring encrypted data onto a storage device and physically migrating it to the cloud service provider. This could mean package delivery (West, 2022, pp.90-92).

West, J. (2022b). CompTIA Cloud+ Guide to Cloud Computing. Course Technology.

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