Saturday, June 29, 2024

Week 4 Posting - Cloud Networking

This week, the class covered cloud networking, which involves appropriating IP address spaces in cloud networks, identifying cloud stacks, and configuring network interfaces in the cloud. For me, I found incorporating the OSI model to the Cloud Stack Theoretical model benefits me by learning how to manage and organize the information. Layer 1 is the physical layer. This layer includes servers, cables, hardware, etc. Layer 2 is the virtualization layer. This layer emphasizes the virtualization software and hardware. Layer 3 is the network layer. This layer focuses on managing resources, costs, security, and other services. Layer 4 is the OS layer. This layer is centered around data storage, data processing and workloads. Lastly, layer 5 is the application layer. This layer is for the traditional lower-layer functions. The cloud service provider is responsible for monitoring the physical and virtualization layer (West, 2022, p. 132).

West, J. (2022b). CompTIA Cloud+ Guide to Cloud Computing. Course Technology.

Friday, June 21, 2024

Week 3 Posting - Migration to the Cloud


            Data transfer is the procedure of migrating data from location A to location B. In the case for cloud computing, it’s the motion of moving data to and from a storage environment. This week, we learned about cloud migration and its functionalities. One terminology I want to bring up is the methodologies of transferring data and the different types of data transfer: public internet, private connection, and offline transfer.

Public internet enables minimal and slow data migrations. Private connections low latency, high availability and increased bandwidth since the user is not competing for connections. One drawback I learned is a private connection often requires a long-term dedicated contract with a specific ISP. Lastly, offline transfer is transferring encrypted data onto a storage device and physically migrating it to the cloud service provider. This could mean package delivery (West, 2022, pp.90-92).

West, J. (2022b). CompTIA Cloud+ Guide to Cloud Computing. Course Technology.

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Week 2 Posting - Virtual Hardware

Virtual network interface controllers or vNICs physically and virtually connect the virtual machine to other neighboring machines (West, 2022, p. 46). These are the links that enables the host to connect to VMs. Throughout my research, I learned about three common network configurations: bridged, NAT (network address translation), and Host-only mode.

Bridged mode is known to be the easiest route regarding accessibility for VM to connect to a network since it uses the host’s physical network adapters. NAT mode is useful if the user needs to keep their virtual machines private and away from the public eye. NAT is best suited for testing the waters. Lastly, the host-only mode is basically a one-way road. WMs can share data with each other but they cannot communicate with other nodes beyond the host (West, 2022, p. 47).



West, J. (2022b). CompTIA Cloud+ Guide to Cloud Computing. Course Technology.

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Week 1 Posting - Introduction to Cloud Computing

Hello friends! I’ve had this blog for a long time, and I am excited to starting blogging about my experiences with BSIT 400 Cloud Computing and Governance class. When it comes to cloud computing, I have no experience on the professional field (yet) but I am willing to learn more about the functionalities and backbone of a cloud infrastructure and how businesses and organizations benefit from utilizing its features. When it comes to the daily and casual lifestyle, there are several cloud services we use that we don’t realize. After reading researching about cloud services, I came across an article from MarcoNet that listed a good amount of cloud services that we use daily. One thing I want to point out is file-sharing. This feature can be used in both professional and casual settings. Google Drive is an example of a well-known file-sharing service where the user can share their personal photos to their loved ones. To add to that, Google Drive can be used in a business setting where associates can exchange and share documents on specific projects and sensitive files. Cloud computing is an excellent concept that helps individuals and organizations with daily activities.

Marco. (2023, November 27). 7 cloud services you use every day without even realizing

it. Marco

Week 10 Posting - Cloud Automation

For the final week of class, we learned about cloud automation and using common terminology that are used in automation services and techniq...