Friday, August 9, 2024

Week 10 Posting - Cloud Automation

For the final week of class, we learned about cloud automation and using common terminology that are used in automation services and techniques. Refining documents and logs are important to keeping the network and system consistent and effective. It’s a good habit to update the number of resources being used and being contributed over time. That’s when managing the life cycle plays a crucial role in evolving the system and implement appropriate processes.

            During our reading, I learned five concepts of lifecycle management: roadmaps, version control, updates and upgrades, migrations, and deprecations (West, 2022, pp. 401-402). The roadmap provides a visual perspective of the resource’s life cycle. It outlines all significant phases and goes into detail of each stage. Version control leans more towards monitoring and keeping a look out on any level of changes done in the system. Updates and upgrades are related to patching, which eliminates any errors and add necessary features. Migration happens during growth. If the system grows, it will need to move to another location and hope that environment provides the nourishment it needs. Lastly, deprecations relate to resources that are out of date and are no longer available. It’s the professional’s job to evaluate the area and create a plan to proceed with new features.

            Blogging helps improve my writing skills and language usage. It allows me to be expressive and improve my craft. In addition, it helps build my brand of work and allow myself to be known to many professional companies. Blogging helps me in my current job by applying everything I learned from this class and properly implement topics from different weeks. After school, I will consider blogging when important topics that I’m knowledgeable of cross my path.


West, J. (2022b). CompTIA Cloud+ Guide to Cloud Computing. Course Technology. 

Week 10 Posting - Cloud Automation

For the final week of class, we learned about cloud automation and using common terminology that are used in automation services and techniq...