Saturday, August 5, 2023

Week 9 Posting - Incident Response Process and Procedures, Indicators of Compromise, and Basic Digital Forensics Techniques

 Regarding independent contractors, I am in the gray area. Hiring experienced contractors to deal with IR activities hold a lot of benefits. They’ve had experienced dealing and handling certain incidents. It saves money as well since it’s the contractor’s responsibility to use their own equipment and taxes. However, it’s game over not necessarily) when a contractor is injured during the job. Liability is a hot topic whenever they’re injured on site and the employers has to deal with the situation. Another thing is that Each company should have their own incident response worker(s) to combat any dire situations that pose as a threat to company reputation or productivity. It’s good to involve outside power to intervene and help with the situation. But it is better off to have someone in the company who has access to all related applications and tools to fix and augment the issue.

Week 10 Posting - Cloud Automation

For the final week of class, we learned about cloud automation and using common terminology that are used in automation services and techniq...