Sunday, February 20, 2022

Week 10 Posting - Genesis Perez

 Capital One Cloud Computing Journey

Capitol One’s migration from data center usages to public cloud computing contains a lot of benefits and competitive advantage. One of the most noted upgrades to cloud computing is their infinite scaling procedure. Users pay only what they use and have any as much storage and computing space as needed. Their teams have experienced drastic improvement in their system availability and accessibility, “cutting both the number of transaction errors and critical incident resolution time in half” (Perkel, A., 2021). Lastly, they are keeping up with the modern architecture, such as open source, DevOps, microservices, and RESTful APIs. Because of these benefits, the cloud helped Capital One by enabling digital banking, which made it more relevant and competitive against opposing companies.

            An article from 2020 states that a former engineer from Amazon Web Services hacked and “broke into Capital One’s servers in Amazon’s cloud through misconfigured web application firewall” (Crosman, P., 2020). Due to this situation, this website offered a few steps to strengthen any bank’s data defenses. One of the advices is to monitor and maintain the security updates on any open-source software. The hacker took advantage of the misconfiguration and enabled them to data and resources. Another advice is to restrict data access even to former employees. Since the hacker was a former employee of AWS, it is important to lessen the privileges to a few selected employees. Lastly, they point out that in order to strengthen authentication, they must have an active plan and management that identifies multiple factors in the company such as identity of devices, applications, and data stores. 



Crosman, P. (2020, August 7). Capital One fine is latest wake-up call for banks using the cloud. American Banker.

Perkel, A. (2021, June 2). Doing The Hard Things First - Lessons From Our Cloud Journey. Capital One.

Week 10 Posting - Genesis Perez

 Best Practices for Mobile Device

Require Pass code: Security is key. Please use a lock screen pass codes and secure passwords. Passwords should meet this following:

  • ·         8-16 characters
  • ·         One Uppercase and one number
  • ·         One special character (/&^%$#)

Require Update: Do not ignore patch updates. These updates will help security gaps and improve your phone’s performance. When it is up to date, most bugs and glitches will be fixed.

Approved Applications Only: The firm has a list of applications that are only used in work hours. Playing games and watching videos are only allowed in break hours.

Report Lost Devices IMMEDIATELY: Whether your mobile device belongs to the company or not, please report any lost devices as soon as possible. Reason why is because that device has access to the firm’s network and system. Any hacker will have easy access to the system. 

 Troubleshooting for Mobile Devices

Slow Phone: Clean your phone by deleting unused applications, files, and cache data.

Bad Battery Life: Turn off all websites and applications running in the background of your device. Enable Battery Saving Mode to maximize your device’s lifespan. For more information, visit your device’s battery usage setting and it will explain which application is draining your device.

Overheating Phone: Keep phone away from the sun’s heat. Give your device time to breathe before using again. This is caused by overusing your phone.

Application crashes or glitches: Restart your entire device and try again. If the application persists, uninstall the application, and try again. Final resort is to clear the cache data on that app.

Phone Freezes: Most common issue with mobile devices. Basic method of fixing this issue is restarting your phone. If you can remove the battery, proceed to remove it and put it back on.

Wet Phone: DO NOT turn on your device. Electrical damage is imminent. Carefully remove the battery and proceed to take it to your phone carriers’ workshop and have them fix it.




How to Create a Mobile Device Management Policy: 9 Best Practices. (2021, January 12). Helixstorm.

Rozewski, M. (2022, January 6). 20 Common Mobile Phone Problems & Their Solutions. SimOptions.

Week 10 Posting - Cloud Automation

For the final week of class, we learned about cloud automation and using common terminology that are used in automation services and techniq...